Our Vision has inspired the alignment of our work to the 5 ‘Cherehani’ Pillars. These pillars are anchored on our mantra of making dreams possible. They inform every decision we make, influence our style of execution and keep us grounded to the essence of our presence in the market. These pillars are:

Financial Inclusion

We believe that offering access to financial products and services to women and adolescent girls in under-served markets is not enough, we must ensure that the products and services are affordable, tailored to their needs and provide a pathway out of poverty.

Quality Education

Education is a fundamental human right. Over 250 Million children and youth are out of school from primary to upper secondary. We are committed to promoting access to quality, child-friendly education in the community.

Zero Hunger

Poverty is the principal cause of hunger. The largest group of people in the world in extreme poverty are smallholder farmers in developing countries. In rural areas, 90 percent of the communities double up as smallholder farmers or come from families that practice subsistence farming. Our decisions around agriculture related products must be well thought through and thoroughly tested before execution to increase their impact on the lives of smallholder farmers. When farmers are empowered we build strong and more prosperous communities.

Clean Energy

Lack of access to efficient clean energy has a significant impact on economic development and micro-enterprises, quality of life, educational opportunities, infant mortality and gender equality. Access to affordable electricity and clean energy solutions can indirectly reduce poverty by boosting economic growth.

Water Footprint

The textile and apparel industry is a massive consumer of water and polluter of fresh water sources. Toxic chemicals entering the ecosystem is a major source of pollution in developing countries. Our partnership with different stakeholders and customers in the apparel industry must be guided by sustainability principles.